Volume-3 Issue-2, September 2023

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Volume-3 Issue-2, September 2023, ISSN: 2582-8843 (Online)
Published By: Lattice Science Publication (LSP)

A Pass Transistor based Multifunction Gate Design
Rajesh Kumar Datta


Dr. B. Rajasekhar
Ph.D (VLSI), M.Tech (Computer Electronics), B.Tech (Electronics Engineering)
Senior Member of IEEE
Professor & HoD, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, Krishna (A.P), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Research Gate
Specialization: Signal Processing, Image Processing and VLSI.

General Editors

Prof. MPS Chawla
ME (Power Electronics), BE (Electrical Engineering)
Treasurer IEEE MP Section | Ex-PG Coordinator of SGSITS Indore | Associate Professor in Electrical Engg, G.S. Inst. of Tech. & Science, Indore (MP), India. Immediate Past Chairman, 2017-2018, IEEE MP Sub-Section. Ex-Professor-Incharge (Head), Library, from 1-8-2013 to 18-1-2022, SGSITS, Indore.

Links: Google Scholar
Biomedical Engineering, Signal Processing, Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Dr. Rajalakshmi Murugesan
Ph.D. (Control & Instrumentation Engineering), M.Tech (Control & Instrumentation Engineering), B.Tech (Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai (Tamil Nadu), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, Research Gate
Specialization: Modelling and Controlling of Nonlinear Processes (Machine Learning Algorithms for Biomedical & Robotics)

Dr. K. Saraswathi
Ph.D. (Electronics & Telecommunication), ME (Electronics & Telecommunication), BE (Electronics & Telecommunication)
Member of IEEE
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru (Karnataka), India.

Links: Google Scholar, Scopus
Specialization: Wireless Communication, Signal Processing, Underwater Acoustic Communication

Associate Editors

Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D
Ph.D. (EC), ME (EC), B.E (EC)
Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BNM Institute of Technology, Bengaluru (Karnataka), India.

Links: Google Scholar
Specialization: Mobile Computing, Distributed Networks, Smart Devices

Prof. J. Paruvathavardhini
Ph.D. (Pursuing), B. Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering), M. Tech (Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Jai Shriram Engineering College, Tirupur (Tamil Nadu), India.

Links: Google Scholar, ORCIDScopusResearch Gate
Specialization: Energy Aware, Secured Wireless Sensor Networks